Aerial Photography – July 2021
A Toby Harriman Photography Collection
Aerial photography series over the Port of Long Beach. Taken via helicopter on July 30, 2021, by Toby Harriman. Long Beach set volume records at their port during July. These photographs show you a bit of the craziness going on. Big props to all those workers for making sure we all get our Amazon orders!
I’m Toby Harriman, an Alaska-based photographer, cinematographer, and creative producer specializing in aerial direction. Over more than a decade of experience, I’ve crafted a diverse portfolio spanning fine art, filmmaking, documentary photography, and high-end productions. My unique aerial imagery has opened doors to exciting opportunities with clients worldwide, including Apple, The Ocean Cleanup, and the Wall Street Journal; and directing an air-to-air shoot for Acubed, the Silicon Valley innovation center of Airbus.